Music Classes
Ranganna Ceoil
We provide Traditional Music Classes in the following instruments
Cuirimid ranganna ar fáil do na h-úirlisí seo leanas
Button Accordion
Piano Accordion
Uilleann Pipes
Traditional Singing
Bosca Ceoil Cnapa
Bosca Ceoil Piano
Píob Uilleann

Applications for New Students
Applications for September 2025 are now open.
To apply for a place please complete this form.
Please Note - This is only to get on the waiting list and does not guarantee a place in a class
We have a limited number of instruments for rental to junior students starting out on an instrument.
To apply click HERE
By accepting a place in our music classes, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to to our branch policies which can be found on our branch policies page. These policies are designed to foster a positive and conducive learning environment for all members of our community, and ensure the safety of all members. Your cooperation is essential in upholding these standards. This applies to all members, and not just new students
Current Students (Coláiste Choilm classes)- Re-Enrollment and Fee Payment
Current Students of classes normally held in Coláiste Choilm may now re-enroll for their current class(es) September 2025 to January 2026 and pay by clicking the Pay Now button. This will take you to the Easy Payments Plus website to pay for the classes. For new students or additional instruments see below.
(This is for classes normally held in Coláiste Choilm only)
For classes in the primary schools please contact the school management.
If you have not already registered online please see instructions in link below
Click here to see detailed instructions (opens in a new window).
Please see Troubleshooting guide below.
If you continue to experience problems please email ballincolligcce@gmail.com
To see your account options on Easy Payments Plus, review all payments or re-issue a failed installment, please see instructions in this document
Revised Term Fees
Please Note that Term Fees have been revised as of January 2022. For information regarding the new fee structure and pricing please see PDF below
Please note there is now a seperate fee structure for specialist instruments Uilleann Pipes and Harp, which can be seen in the seperate PDF below
If you have forgotten your password for Easy Payments Plus enter your email address at log in and click Forgotten Password. A link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
If the system does not recognise you, it may be that
it's the backup mobile no. rather than the main one.
we may not have a correct mobile number for you on our system. In either case email us the number to use and we can amend it.
Your name must be as you entered when filling out the online Application Form
If you are registered with us in Gaeilge, then that is the version of your name to use, as you entered it when filling out the Application Form.
Known Issue with iPhones. There's an issue with "Captcha" and "I am not a Robot" with iPhones. If you experience a problem please try logging in from a laptop or desktop computer
If you continue to experience problems email us at ballincolligcce@gmail.com